5 Most Common Ryobi Supercharger Problems

ryobi supercharger problems
ryobi supercharger problems

Ryobi is one such brand that gets you to enjoy the best experience with all the tools.

You will find a comprehensive range of items on this brand and won’t have to switch to any other option as long as you’re relying on this brand.

The cordless tools that you get to enjoy from them are far superior to any of the other brands that you can possibly find and that will be allowing you to have better power delivery, battery life, and performance at the same time and that should be helping you out in the right manner. 

That is simply something great to enjoy and you get to have the perfection of usage on all such tools.

So, be sure to rely on Ryobi if you’re aiming for a new unit. It will not only help you optimize performance, but the quality of work will also be better with this brand. 

While you are using the Ryobi Tools for any of the needs you might be having, you can also get to enjoy the perfection of having the Ryobi Supercharger that can help you charge 6 18 Volt batteries at the same time.

Ryobi Supercharger is particularly great to help you out and you will be having to enjoy the best possible experience you can seamlessly use it to charge all those batteries perfectly.

However, there are certainly some common problems that you might have to encounter while you are using the Ryobi Supercharger as well and you need to be careful about them.

Ryobi Supercharger Problems

  1. Batteries Not Fitting Properly

The first thing that you need to know about is that not all the batteries are compatible with the supercharger and even if the battery is from Ryobi, they might not be fitting the charger in the right manner.

That can cause you to face a number of issues that you eventually need to fix to be able to use the Ryobi Supercharger for any of the needs that you might be having.

That is why you need to check on the batteries first and ensure that they are compatible to be used with the Ryobi Supercharger.


After that, you also need to make it certain that you are also using the right size of batteries that the Ryobi supercharger can fit.

  1. Batteries Not Charging

Another common problem that you might have to face is that the charger will show indicator lights and there will be no such problem on the charger.

However, the batteries will not be charging, and moving the batteries won’t do you any good either in that case.

There can be two different reasons behind this and the first thing that you need to check on is the battery adjustment since the battery needs to be installed properly in the supercharger to be installed properly.

After adjusting the batteries right, you will also need to check for corrosion on the battery and charger terminals. 

The corrosion can cause you to have a number of issues and you will need to ensure that you are cleaning them off with rubbing alcohol and drying them properly before charging to ensure that the batteries can be charged properly.

battery check

Afterward, you will need to ensure that the batteries are in perfect health.

If the battery health deteriorates below a certain level, they will not be charging and that can cause you to face a number of issues and problems that could be the reason behind you facing this problem.

  1. No Lights at all

Next, you might be facing some problems such as having no lights at all on the charger and that problem is definitely with the charger.

To start the diagnosis, you need to ensure that the Ryobi Supercharger is connected to a working wall outlet and that will be enough most of the time to help you out.

However, sometimes the problem can be bigger than the wall outlet and that is why you will need to diagnose it in a bit more detail.

You first need to inspect the power cord and ensure that it is not damaged or corroded at some point since it can cause you to have a number of issues and problems and the power cord on your charger needs to be intact.

If the power cord is fine, or you are still having the problem even after replacing the power cord, you will need to make sure that you are figuring out the issue by checking on the fuses inside the charger and replacing any blown fuse.

fuse box

  1. Flashing Red

The situation with the Ryobi supercharger flashing red can be annoying to handle when you can’t seem to get the charger to pick up the battery. This situation is mostly related to the battery being discharged completely.

This is especially true if you have a habit of using your battery below the 20 percent limit. 

The only thing that you can do about these situations is to jump the battery with a different one.

You can rely on a fresh battery pack and a pair of wires to help you with the system. You will not be able to get any response out of the system when the battery is discharged.

So, be sure to connect the pair of wires with the terminals of both batteries and leave them for about 20 minutes.

This should be enough time to jump up the old battery and then you can put that battery in the supercharger. 

This time around, the charger will pick up the battery and you will not have to go through the same hassle.

You can also ask some other worker or a neighbor to help you with his battery pack. That way, you will not have to jump the battery yourself, and the situation will be fixed quickly.

All that you’re trying to do here is making sure that the battery is charged enough to allow more current to flow into this system.

So, be sure to keep these pointers in mind and you will not have to deal with the same complications again. Hopefully, you will be sorted out in no time.

  1. Flashing Orange

Lastly, this situation with the Ryobi supercharger flashing orange can also be linked with the battery. This is not a fault in the charger, and you will have to make sure that the temperature of the battery pack is optimal.

Most of the time, thai issue will present itself when you plug in the battery that is completely hot after an extensive project.

This is never a good idea and you will end up damaging the battery as well as the charger. The only thing that you can do here is to put the battery in a shaded region. 

There are no quick fixes to this, and you will have to wait for the battery to discharge completely.

That will be enough to have you sorted out in most conditions. You will not have to struggle with more hassle, and the system will work properly in no time.

Similarly, even if you were not using the battery, keeping it exposed in direct sunlight will only hold you back.


The response will not be optimal, and you will have to place the battery in a shaded region to avoid this error. Hopefully, that will give you a better idea of the situation.

On the other hand, you might also be dealing with a defective system.

That situation is more rare, but it can surely present itself from time to time. So, all that you will need to do is to ask the dealer for a fresh piece. He will be more than happy to help you out here, if the warranty is valid. 

Wrapping Up

Managing your battery chargers can be difficult, and you will have to keep track of a ton of factors from the battery temperature to the condition of the charger and much more.

This is especially true for the Ryobi Supercharger, and we’ve listed out some options to guide you towards a fix.

You’ll find a list of some of the most common issues that owners have to face with the Ryobi Supercharger.

This list doesn’t mean that this supercharge is inconsistent or a poor unit. Still, it is better to educate yourself on the common errors that you can expect with this system. 

Luckily, the majority of these errors are not that hard to fix. Just make sure that the hardware side of things is in good shape.

However, if you’re not that sure about the hardware, then the problems can be more sticky. So, you’ll struggle to get a response from the system.

The only thing you need to do about this situation is to reach out to the dealer. There is no point in trying out quick fixes or solutions, and you have to make sure that the warranty claim is ready.

That way, you will not have to worry about spending more cash on a new unit. 

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