Tapcon is a brand that is manufacturing a wide range of drill bits for you. These are some aftermarket drills that are compatible with most of the drills out there and would allow you to have added durability, extended endurance, and more. These are definitely some of the best drill bits that you can possibly get your hands on, but at times you might have to face the issue with your drill bit not working. These are definitely some of the best drill bits that you can possibly get your hands on, but at times you might have to face the issue with your drill bit not working. If that is the case, here is how you can have it fixed.
Tapcon Drill Bit Not Working
1. Check Compatibility
The first thing that you need to check upon is compatibility. The bit that you need to use must be compatible with the drill and chuck that you are using. If not, it will simply not work and you will end up having issues due to downtime. That is why, while you are buying any drill bit from Tapcon, you need to ensure that you are checking on all that perfectly and ensure that you are getting the right bit that would fit your drill perfectly. That will be helping you out to ensure that you don’t have to face any such problems with the drill bit that you are getting and it will work out optimally for you.
2. Check the Bit Type
There are multiple drill bit types that you can have, and each one is specific with the material that you might want to use them with. That is why, if you are getting any drill bit from Tapcon and it is not working due to some reason, you will need to ensure that you are checking on the type as well. Getting the right type of drill bit according to the material that you want to use it on will be helping you out optimally to have all such problems solved in the right manner without causing you any inconvenience at all.
3. Install it Right
You also need to ensure that you are installing the drill bit right. If the drill bit is not installed properly on the chuck, the chuck will not be able to rotate it and that could be causing you to face a number of problems like the drill bit falling out, or not working at all. In order to avoid all such problems, it would be great to install the drill bit properly on the chuck of your drill and that will be solving all such problems for you optimally.
4. Replace the Drill Bit
Lastly, if all of the above options check out and you are still unable to make the drill bit work, it could be caused due to a number of factors including the drill bit being worn out. So, you will need to ensure that you are replacing the drill bit with a newer one if it’s worn out and that would be perfect to get you rid of all such issues and problems that you were facing earlier.