6 Ways To Fix Table Saw Blade Won’t Raise Issue

table saw blade won't raise
table saw blade won’t raise

People all around the world enjoy working on their projects by themselves. Though, you must understand how much equipment is required before you can start working.

Additionally, understanding how these will work is also important. Talking about this, one of the most important things that you should have when trying to cut through hard materials is a saw.

There are many options in the market, and you will likely be able to find the right option in no time. It all comes down to how you’re planning on addressing the situation.

The most common type of this tool that people purchase is a table saw. These can be amazing to work with but also require a lot of attention.

How to Fix Table Saw Blade Won’t Raise?

Running into problems with this equipment is quite common. One issue that people have been reporting is that their table saw blade wouldn’t raise.

This is a pretty common issue and not that hard to fix if you’re aware of the right troubleshooting routine.

So, If you are getting the same problem on your device, then going through this article should help you out.

  1. Check the Lock Mechanism

One of the best things about a table saw is that you can adjust the blade on it whenever you want to. This helps the user in making different types of cuts.

table saw

Although, you should note that there is a lock mechanism on these tables that will prevent you from moving the blade.

This is provided so that you do not accidentally raise or lower the blade when working. Considering this, the reason why you might be getting this problem can be that the mechanism is locked.

You can access it from the front of your saw. Make sure that you set it to unlocked, and then try moving your blade. It should now adjust without giving you any issues.

As long as there are no hardware issues or maintenance problems, you will be able to get the saw blade to work properly.

There are no extensive steps here, and you will need to keep track of these pointers to find the right fit.

  1. Clean Tilting Mechanism

table saw tilt

The blade in your table saw is adjusted using a set of gears that have to be adjusted. Talking about this while the user is slicing through materials on their device.

Small pieces of wood and dust will start to enter the mechanism. While a small amount of this will not do anything, this will start to gather up inside the device.

With time you will notice that the gears will get clogged preventing you from raising the blade. This is why you must remove all of this from your device. 

The process is quite easy, and it should not take much time. Once you have cleared up all of this debris, the blade on your table saw should start adjusting again.

  1. Broken System

If you have gone through the steps mentioned above but you are still getting the same issue on your table saw.

Then there is a high chance that the tilting and elevating mechanism in your table saw has gotten damaged. You can try lubricating it with oil and then wait for some time.

Although, if even this does not work for you, then you will have to contact a specialist. They will look into your device and then confirm what was causing the problem.

In most cases, the user will have to get the mechanism replaced with a new one. This can cost a lot, but it is still better than having to purchase a completely new table saw.

  1. Loosen Up The Bolt

saw bolt

Next, you can try your luck with loosening up the bolt and holding up the blade in place. While this might seem like a bad idea at first, you just need to loosen up the bolt slightly.

There shouldn’t be any wiggle room, and a small adjustment to the bolt will make a huge difference here.

After loosening up the bolt by a small margin, you should add some lube and then try to wiggle the blade to check for entrapped objects.

If the blade is perfectly clean, you should find the perfect balance where the blade is not too tight, and there is no wiggle room either.

compressed air

Once that is done, you will not have to worry about any complications down the road.

It all comes down to how you’re planning on addressing the situation, and finding a fix can be a bit challenging at times when the table saw is in poor shape.

Some owners also pointed out that they had to blast the unit with compressed air to get the blade to raise.

So, if you’ve not done that already, now might be a good time to do so. All that you need to do is to brush away the gunk and then check up on the blade engagement one more time. 

  1. Reinstall Blade


A common issue that can create this problem is the use of grease in the system. Dirt and other particles can mix up with the grease to create a gunk-like consistency which leads to a ton of issues down the road.

So, you will need to reinstall the blade and then check up on the unit again. The first thing that you should do here is to remove the power from the unit.

From there, you need to put on some gloves and then move forward with the troubleshooting routine.

Trying to fix the unit right away will only lead to safety issues, and you will not be able to get any response out of the system.

So, be sure to keep that in mind and reinstall the blade. It can also help you get a better perspective on the issue if you try to install the blade in the opposite orientation.

There might be issues with the installation, especially if the issue presented itself as soon as you reinstalled the blade. 

Ideally, all errors will be addressed when you fix the orientation and remove all of the greased segments before adding lubricant to the unit.

From there, you can install the blade, fix the bolt in place, and then check the engagement from the tilting mechanism.

  1. Ask The Dealer For Help

At this point, you should just call it a day and reach out to the dealer for pointers. There is always a chance that the unit you’re using is defective.

customer support

There are no quick methods that can help you fix a damaged unit, and you will need to get it replaced.

Even taking it to a repair center is not a good idea as that might void the warranty. So, you will have to first inform the dealer about the issues that you’re facing.

He will ask for more details and then guide you through relevant fixes. If you’re lucky, the issue will be addressed as soon as you act on the instructions forwarded by the dealer.

From there, you can go about using the unit without dealing with more errors with the table saw blade not raising. 

On the other hand, if you’re not that lucky, you will have to proceed with asking the dealer to provide you with a replacement.

use saw

As long as you’ve purchased the table saw from reliable brands like DeWalt or Milwaukee, it will not be that hard to get a replacement.

All that you’ll need to do is to provide proof of purchase and list the errors with the unit. From there, the dealer will take charge of the situation and will guide you on how to get your hands on the fresh unit.

There is no point in going through all of these fixes on your own, and the dealer will help you here.

Wrapping Up

The situation with the table saw blade not raising is one of the more common issues that might have to fix when following through with a robust project.


Most often than not, this issue will present itself when gunk collects on the pivot points and solidifies to secure the unit in place.

You will need to thoroughly clean the unit and then check for lubrication requirements.

You won’t believe what a bit of maintenance can do for the machine, and it is not a bad idea to clean the unit when you’re unable to get any response out of the machine.

Next, you can proceed with checking the tilting mechanism and the locking features to look for problems.

hardware issue

If you do find issues with the hardware side of things, then the smart idea is to always inform the dealer first. You run the risk of voiding the warranty, and that will cost you a lot. 

Lastly, be sure to keep all of the safety pointers in mind when you go through with the fixes mentioned here.

Keep using gloves and remove the power from the unit before doing anything. Most of the time, you will have an effortless experience with the unit and will not have to deal with extensive issues.

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