DeWalt DCD708 vs DCD791 – What To Choose?

dcd708 vs dcd791
dcd708 vs dcd791

DeWalt is the best thing that you can get, and it will allow you to enjoy having the widest range of choices for the tools that you might be looking to get your hands on.

They manufacture all these tools that can be used by DIY lovers or hobbyists, and you can also get some of the best professional and industrial tools that you might need.

That makes it a perfect choice for you to make it work out right for the needs you could be having.

They also manufacture some of the light drills that you must have in your garage and the homes to get some light work done properly and in the right manner.

There are also some of these drills that you can get your hands on from the DeWalt, and you will be able to have a perfect combination of power, utility, and portability with these.

There are a number of models that you will have to choose from, and that can get you confused at times as well.

DCD708 and DCD791 are two such cordless drills that you can get from DeWalt, and they are both the best that you can get. 

That will make them both a perfect choice for you to have. However, there are also some key differences that you will have to face. A few such differences that you need to know about are:

DCD708 VS DCD791 Comparison

Specifics DCD708 DCD791
RPM 1650 2000
Max Power 340 UWO 460 UWO
Motor Type Brushless Brushless
Length 6.3” 6.9”

When you compare these two units from DeWalt, you will not find any differences in the basic structure. However, when it comes to power and performance, the difference is as clear as day and night.

So, you will have to carefully consider which unit to purchase when upgrading your kit.

Most of the time, going with the DCD708 is more than enough for new owners. The pricing offered by this unit is far better than any other options that you will find on the market.

So, if you’re low on cash and just need a decent system to help with the projects, then going with the DCD 708 is a good idea.

You will have an easier time getting used to the manageable power of this drill. Moreover, it is enough to handle even more demanding projects, and you will not feel the need to upgrade to a better system for years. 

drill log

Similarly, if you’re an expert and need something to help you get through more demanding projects, then going with the DCD 791 is a better idea.

It all comes down to how you’re planning on addressing the situation, and either one of these units can serve you well.

Most often than not, you will find that the owners will eventually switch over to the DCD 791 system to get a much better response from the drill.

If you’re aiming for more power, then going with the 791 is the more logical decision. So, be sure to evaluate your requirements beforehand.

Some owners do point out that the difference in weight and pricing is not significant enough for people to get confused here.

Going with the 791 is almost always the better idea, and you will thank yourself for this purchase within a few weeks.

Similarly, going with the 708 might not be a bad idea for casual projects. However, you will feel like you’re getting held back by the performance of this drill within a few years. 

Hopefully, this will give you a better idea of the situation, and you can go through the specifics here for a better understanding.

DeWalt DCD708

dewalt dcd 708

DCD708 is one of the best and most handy cordless drills that you can possibly get your hands on.

It features a 12V battery that can also be used on the other models of DeWalt Drills, and you will be able to make the most out of your experience for sure.

The DCD708 has the ½” ratcheting chuck with the gears on it, so it will allow you to hold the bits tightly, and you will be able to use it also for changing the bits quickly and pretty easily.

The DCD708 is also one of the most lightweight drills that you can possibly be getting your hands on out there.

With the brushless motor on the drill, you will have to worry about the least bit when it comes to the maintenance part.

However, the drill might not be right for extended run time since the battery size is smaller than most, and it is designed to be handy and better suited for mid-level applications at home.

The cordless drill is definitely the best suited for you to have if you are not looking for a drill that you will have to use regularly, and you certainly do not intend to spend a fortune on it either.

It can reach an impressive RPM of 1650 max, and that is pretty much enough for you to get any basic drilling needs sorted out properly.

So, if you’re a casual workman that needs a decent drill to get through weekly projects, then going with this drill is not a bad idea.

You might come across other owners saying that going with 791 is better as the price difference is not that much, all that you need to focus on is the requirements.

There is no need to spend extra for a better unit when you’re not going to come across the relevant use cases.

DeWalt DCD791

dewalt dcd 791

DCD791 is another model that you might be getting your hands on, and it definitely stands out in terms of power, runtime, and more at the same time.

Now, that might be adding a bit bigger battery and motor, and that could be causing you to have some extra weight while you are making the drill work.

However, the best thing is that the ergonomic design of the drill wouldn’t even let you feel that weight, and you can make it work out properly for any of the needs that you might have.

The DCD791 is also pretty convenient for you to make it all work for you. The DCD791 is a bit more expensive as well, but it makes up for the price tag with the extended power that you will be getting on it.

The DCD791 has a maximum speed of 2000 Rpm, which is more than the DCD708 for sure, and you can get the best power on it to be used for many applications.

It is always better to have more power than less, and that should allow you to have ample power that you might need for any work-related requirements with the drill.

That will help you be assured that you will never be running out of power or the battery to go through any applications.

Most of the time, you will find that the industry experts will stick with the 791 because the value here is just higher.

You will not have to worry about getting stuck in a project because of the drill power. So, be sure to keep that in mind when you can’t seem to find the right fit.

There is no such thing as one perfect device that can fit all requirements, and you will need to put the project requirements above everything else.

There is nothing that can be more relevant than the project requirements, and you should never make a decision based on the prices alone.

On the off chance that you’re not even sure about the project requirements, going with the expert opinion is always the better choice. So, be sure to consult an expert, and he will point you in the right direction. 

Wrapping Up

These pointers should help you finalize the purchase between the DCD 708 and the DCD 791.


It all comes down to your requirements, and you can’t really go wrong with either one of these units when you’re talking about peak performance. So, be sure to stick with DeWalt if you need an upgrade.

You can think of the DCD 708 as a light-duty unit that will last you through casual projects and minimal load on the unit.

Moreover, you will not be able to use this system for demanding projects, but the handling and control here are superior. So, you might like it better if you’re a beginner.

On the other hand, you can think of the DCD 791 system as the heavier model that doesn’t only bring more range but also offers a ton of power to the owners.

So, you will get the ideal power out of this unit if you’re aiming for more robust projects in the near future. 

Lastly, you should also involve an expert in the purchase decision. There is no gain in going through all of these pointers on your own, and seeking help from an expert will help you avoid a ton of issues down the road.

So, if you’re still confused, just ask the dealer or the DeWalt customer support panel.

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