Parallel clamps are the best tool that you can possibly get your hands on to ensure that you are getting the perfection on all such different applications with the woodworking and you can use them to mark the different levels that you might want to cut at or measure. Moving forward, you will also need to be a bit careful about holding the furniture tightening or adjustments to make it the perfect experience for you. There are a number of parallel clamps that you can possibly get your hands on and you will need to consider them all for the applications that you might want to make them work for.
In addition to that, there is also a number of other factors that you will need to be careful about like grip, jaws’ opening capabilities, and gripping power to ensure for what applications you can use these for. Bessey Revo and Revo Jr are two such great parallel clamps that you can use for a wide range of woodworking jobs and if you are looking to compare between these two, here are a few options that you must be considering make it all work for you.
Bessey Revo vs Revo JR:
Bessey Revo
The Bessey Revo is the best thing that you can get to enjoy the power that you might be needing to hold wood pieces without having to worry about them slipping out or moving here and there while you are working with them with any tool such as a drill, scalping them or anything else. It has a clamping force of up to 8000 N that is pretty much enough for wood and you wouldn’t have to worry about the wood getting damaged either due to purpose-designed clamps to allow you the perfection of usage for all the needs that you can possibly think of. Moving forward, you also get to enjoy 3 removable pressure caps so you can change the parallel clamping surface according to your needs and that will allow you a far better experience with Bessey Revo since you can increase or decrease it according to your needs.
You also get metal-reinforced plastic housing and an optimized sliding arm to ensure that you get more power without having to compromise the safety on this parallel clamp while you are making it work for any of the needs that you might be having for it. There are easy buttons on the clamp itself so you can expand it using your hands without any tools and that should be the best thing for you to be enjoying for a worry-less working experience with all the woodwork that you might have on your mind.
Revo JR
Revo Jr or Revo JR almost looks identical but it is pretty smaller in size and you can use it for more portable and smaller jobs that you might be looking for without having to worry about the extensive size of your clamp or anything like that. Revo Jr is simply the best tool that you can get your hands on in terms of portable woodworking to keep it steady and with perfect grip, since it allows you a gripping power of up to 900 lbs and not only that but the jaws are designed to be fitting at accurately 90 Degrees so you can get the precision with any tools that you might be working with on the wood. There are different sizes available for the jaws ranging all the way from 12” to 50” so you don’t have to worry about the surface area of the clamps ever.
The best thing for maintenance is that you can remove the pressure caps and that allows you easy access to clean them up. In addition to that, you also get a wood grip handle that is used for a number of applications and you don’t ever have to worry about losing the grip, or having it heated while you are working with the surface clamps. This would be the perfect thing for you to be enjoying with the Revo Jr and if you don’t have much bigger needs or jobs to take care of, you should definitely be going for the junior.