When purchasing power tools, the first thing people have to do is find a brand that manufactures reliable devices. Skil Power Tools is among some of the top choices that users go for. The brand has tons of lineups that people can purchase and each of them is equipped with numerous features. However, before users decide to get a tool for themselves, it can be important that they consider what features are required by them. Additionally, the type of tasks that they want to work on will help in selecting a tool that can last them a long time.
Talking about this, if you want a finishing sander then the octo multi lineup is one of the best ones that you can get. If you are thinking about purchasing it then it can be best that you understand all the features present on the tool first. Some users might also feel hesitant when purchasing the tool which is why we will be using this article to provide you with a review on it. Going through it should help you in deciding if the tool is worth it or not.
SKIL Octo Multi Finishing Sander Review
The octo detail sander from Skil comes with tons of features that make it an amazing device. The first thing that people notice is how cheap the power tool is. You might think that this means low-quality products were used when manufacturing it however, Skil ensures that the device is durable enough to last a long time. On top of this, the tool is equipped with features that are not even found in expensive tools. This makes the Skil octo multi-finishing sander a great device that most users should go for.
Getting to the features of the tool, the device is equipped with pressure control technology. This allows the device to monitor the amount of pressure being applied while it is being used. People can view the pressure ratings on the top of the power tool, which helps them in ensuring that optimal pressure is used. This can be amazing as you can prevent tons of problems including wasting materials when sanding them. People can also complete their tasks a lot more accurately which can be quite useful.
With that being said, the tool also comes with several attachments that can be used for different tasks. This includes accessories for different sanding surfaces as well as for performing a variety of contours. Users can also change or swap out the attachments depending on the type of materials they are working with. This on top of the setting to switch the speed ratings of the finishing sander allow for a wide use case. People can alter the RPM depending on the type of materials they are working on to avoid issues.
The attachment system also uses an easy swap technology that can be used to swap out accessories within seconds. The first few tries might take a little effort but once people get a hang of it, the process can be completed quickly without any problems. Finally, one more major feature of the tool is its microfiltration system. This captures and contains all the debris being released from sanding inside the device. All of this is then moved inside the clear dust canister installed on the back of the sanding tool.
This allows people to check how much dust and debris is collected inside the device so that they can deal with it accordingly. Once the canister fills up, this can be emptied within seconds by removing it. Some users report that the canister falls off while they are using the power tool which can be quite annoying to deal with. Just make sure that you install this back in tightly to ensure it does not come off again. If you are getting the same issue, then Velcro belts can be used to keep the canister in its place.
Overall, the finishing sander from Skil is an amazing tool that most people should go for if they require a tool like this occasionally. This is more than enough to complete most tasks and the device can easily last a long time. The only case where the tool might not be enough is if you want to use it professionally. Aggressive sanding can easily damage the device which is why you should find another tool.