Purchasing a set of tools for yourself can take a lot of time. Although, it is important that you carefully select these as most people continue using their set of tools for decades.
There is no point in only looking at the price point, and you should value the quality and the name of the brand.
Talking about this, the first thing that you will have to check is what company you are getting the tools from.
The best way to ensure the brand you are going with is reliable is by checking reviews for it. That way, you will have a complete idea of whether or not you should spend your money on this brand.
Do Lithium Batteries Have Memory?
Most people who have had problems with the devices you are going to purchase should have already reported these issues.
Other than this, checking the specifications for these tools is another great way to find an amazing device that will last you a long time.
You can easily compare equipment online and find ones that have all the features required by you. This process will also help you in finding better deals that will save you lots of money.
One of the most popular types of power tools that have recently been coming out from different brands is cordless.
The main reason why so many people are hyped about these devices is that you can use them without having to connect a power cable.
Instead of taking power directly from an outlet, the user can instead power up their device using rechargeable batteries.
You can think of these units as the superior option, and they will serve you for years without running into any issues.
You just have to keep track of the storage and don’t let the batteries fall below the 20 percent charging level.
That will be enough to sort you with the best performance on the market, and you will be more than happy with the quality offered by this unit.
While the overall power output on this equipment might be lower than one plugged directly into an outlet.
Most people working on small projects in their homes will find these cordless devices to be much more efficient. Lithium batteries are one of the best types of devices that you can purchase.
These have a much longer charge density on every single unit, but they can also be quite expensive.
One question that many people ask is, “Do lithium batteries have memory on them?”. The short answer for this is “no” unlike a NiCad battery, these lithium batteries do not have a memory on them.
The great thing about this is that you do not have to go through deep-discharge cycles on your device. This means that you do not have to completely drain the battery before you can charge it back again.
Instead of this, the user can plug their lithium battery back into the charging port even if it still has lots of charges left.
Although, most experts recommend that after the lithium battery you are using goes through 30 to 35 charges.
You should do one full discharge on it. The process will help the device in resetting itself and calibrate the configurations on it again.
Even though these batteries do not have memory on them, using them repeatedly causes a problem that can prevent them from getting completely charged.
Although, doing a complete reset should remove this issue, allowing the user to start using their batteries just like they are new.
Aside from this, in some cases, these batteries will stop charging when they completely die.
Although, the issue can simply be fixed by charging up the battery using a higher voltage charger than the standard one.
The First Charge
The main impact of the memory effect is on the first charge of the unit. When you’re using the standard nickel batteries, these units will have to be fully charged for about 12 hours to get the ideal performance from the unit.
Otherwise, the memory effect will kick in, and the battery will only charge up to the previously charged capacity.
For this reason, you will find that many experts will fully charge their units when they first purchase the batteries.
However, when you’re talking about lithium-ion batteries, there is no need to worry about this effect.
These batteries are free from memory errors, and you can decide on your own how to go about the first charge. Even if you’re not planning on charging the battery fully, it will work perfectly.
This means that even if you don’t charge the battery fully on the first try, the unit will charge properly on the next cycle, and you will not have to worry about the same errors.
It all comes down to how you’re planning on adjusting the situation with the charger. So, you have complete freedom on how you plan to manage the battery.
There is no special technique or routine that will magically enhance that battery capacity. You can just charge it according to your daily usage, and it will work perfectly for your setup.
With that said, one thing that you should keep in mind is that completely discharging the battery will still bring negative effects.
You should at least make sure that the unit stays above the 20 percent range and that it will not have any adverse effects on the internal voltage.
However, if you have a habit of using the battery past the 20 percent range, then you’re bound to run into some issues down the road.
So, you should not keep using the battery if it is on low charge, and leaving it on the charger for about 30 minutes will do the trick.
Ideally, all that you’re trying to do here is make sure that the battery has enough power to get picked up by the charger.
The cold and rough environment will decrease the performance of the battery, and having some backup will help you avoid a ton of issues.
Fixing Excessive Discharge
While Lithium batteries have no memory, you will still need to keep track of the battery levels.
As far as the charging side of things is concerned, the battery will charge for about 3 to 4 hours and then discontinue the charging status when it is full.
However, you will not be as lucky when trying to adjust to the situation with the excessive discharge.
If the battery is fully discharged, then that can mess up the internal voltage, and you can expect some drawbacks down the road. So, you will have to be proactive when trying to manage the charging status of the battery.
Leaving it on the charger for a few minutes before every use will be more than enough to avoid these situations, and you will get a consistent response from the system.
However, if you’re still stuck in the same issues and can’t seem to secure any decent response out of the unit, then you’re not left with many choices, and you will have to jump the battery.
To do that, you will need to get your hands on a pair of wires and a fresh battery. From there, you can connect the terminals of the dead battery with the fresh one and then check up on the responses from the device one more time.
If you’re lucky, the situation will be addressed right here and you will not have to bother with more complications on your end.
However, if you’re still stuck, and the charger won’t pick up the battery even after you try to jump it, then you will need to take it to the local repair center.
There are no other fixes here, and you should focus on securing support from the officials.
Wrapping Up
Worried about the memory effect on the Lithium batteries? The details mentioned here will impede your perspective on the situation and whether or not you have to worry about the first charge.
So, be sure to follow the details listed above, and you will not have to deal with many errors.
For the most part, almost none of the Lithium battery types bring a memory effect. That means you will not have to worry about the first charge or to leave the battery on the charger for hours at a time.
You can simply charge it for a few hours and then go about using it. However, that doesn’t mean that managing these batteries is a walk in the park.
Instead, you will have to focus more on charging the batteries frequently and making sure that the battery is not deeply or fully discharged.
Otherwise, you will keep struggling with these errors without any success. Hopefully, you will have a clearer perspective of the situation at this point and won’t have to deal with more issues down the road.
It all comes down to how you’re planning on managing the batteries, and these pointers will usually be enough to help you keep the battery in perfect shape.