Batteries are one of the most useful devices that almost everyone uses in their daily lives. From powering up remotes and flashlights to even powering up devices like mobiles and power tools. It is quite common for people to have appliances all around their house that are using these devices. Although, when it comes to considering how long these will last.
The answer usually depends on what type of battery you are talking about and what size it has. Additionally, taking proper care of these batteries will ensure that they last you a much longer time than they were intended to. Talking about this, one question that many people ask is “Do batteries go bad if not used”. The answer for this depends on the same factors provided above. However, we will be using this article to provide you with a detailed list of conditions and how they affect your battery.
Do Batteries Go Bad If Not Used?
1. Expiration Dates
One of the first things that people notice when reading the instructions about their batteries is that these products come with an expiration date on them. You might normally think that this is how long the battery will last you. Although, the life of your battery depends on how much you use it instead.
The expiration date simply determines how long the battery will last its full charge. After this time, the battery starts dying and can stop working at any time. Considering this, even if you have kept your batteries stored during this duration. They will still start to lose their full charge after the expiration date has passed. However, some factors can extend the life of your batteries.
2. The Temperature at Which You Store Your Batteries
One of the most important things that you need to keep a check over is the temperatures you were storing your batteries at. It is mostly recommended that you keep the devices stored in a cold environment. The main reason behind this is that sunlight can reduce the life of your batteries.
Considering this, preventing the battery from coming in touch with direct heat should allow them to last you a much longer time. This is exactly why some people even recommend keeping the batteries in a fridge. Although, this is only for users who are living in an extremely hot area.
3. Percentage of Charge
Finally, another factor that determines how long a battery will last you before dying is the charge you are storing it at. When it comes to regular batteries, there is no way to recharge them and you will have to store them as they are. Although, when it comes to rechargeable batteries, most companies suggest that you keep them within 30 to 50 percent range.
This allows the battery to hold some charge in it while it is being kept in storage. Usually, if you only keep the device stored for a few months then it should start working as soon as you take it out of storage. Although, keeping them stored for a long duration will drain all of its charges. In this case, you will have to revive your battery before using it.